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The Impossible Quiz
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Question 110 from the Impossible Quiz is the final question in the game, and the tenth and last one of The Epic 10 questions. It is a 10-second bomb question and features a task that may be either extremely easy or completely impossible to complete, depending on how you have played the whole quiz to this point.

As soon as you get here, you're greeted by a black screen with a message in red that goes as follows:

Ok, so this is the last question.
It is potentially the easiest question there is... or your worst NIGHTMARE depending on how you've played the quiz.

A drumroll plays before the screen switches to a screen that says "Good luck!" for a second, then transitions into a screen with a blue background and seven empty circles lined up horizontally which increase in size as they get to the right, all of them surrounded by what seems to be fire. Above these is a very simple sentence in red text that reads: "Use your skips!". The music also stops at a complete halt.

In order to complete the Impossible Quiz all you have to do is to use all of the seven Skips you got throughout the game in this question. This means that if you have used at least one of them before getting here (or failed to obtain either of the two Skips in Question 84), the game actually becomes impossible to beat, since the bomb will inevitably go off and give you a Game Over. This makes the first Impossible Quiz the only one in the series where the Skips are completely useless.


If you were skillful enough to get to this point of the game without using any of your Skips, after clicking on all seven of them and making the seven numbers appear inside of each circle, you'll be sent to a screen that says "Complete!" in huge glowing blue letters, with 4 stars, yellow and green decorations and a big gold trophy that says "UR WINNAR" written on the topper and "The Impossible Quiz" in the base. Next to it, some messages saying "Amazing!! Well done!" and "Thanks for playing!".


  • The message "UR WINNAR!" on the trophy may be a reference to the notoriously bad racing video game Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, in which completing a course would display a trophy accompanied by the words "YOU'RE WINNER !".
  • It is worth noting that the game does not warn you about the Skips's real usage at any point during the game. You're given these thinking that you can use them to avoid complicated questions, with the game even limiting you by making some of them unskippable.
    • Later games have referenced this on their "Instructions" sections, of course assuring the player they can actually use them at will, at the cost of a lower grade.
  • Pressing Tab on the Completion screen still results in a Game Over even though you have technically already won - but no tab message.
  • You can use your skips in this question while the message is still on screen.